The Holocaust Documentary Educational

Resource for Teachers & Students and Versions for Institutions

The Absence – La Ausencia is an Interactive Resource on Holocaust Education

As your students view the film in their classroom or school auditorium, they will get a complete view of what occurred during the Holocaust through historical narration of the events that lead to The Final Solution. The documentary film contains archival footage obtained from the best sources in the world and the accounts of survivors of the Holocaust with their eloquent stories.

Film Synopsis

“The Absence” gives students and teachers the complete historical context of the Holocaust, featuring the survivors and their accounts.

Through testimony, historical narration, and re-enactments, the documentary shows the causes and events during World War II that lead to the systematic destruction of the European Jewry, political dissenters, and other minorities victimized by the Nazis.

We meticulously researched Belzec, Sobibor, and Treblinka to accurately recreate scenes of Death Camps as well as mass graves, death trucks, and labor camps, giving students deeper insight into how The Final Solution was implemented. The Absence is enriched with archival footage obtained from the most relevant sources in the world. Re-enactments with the participation of all the community are presented in the film, as well as artistical illustrations that bring messages of peace amongst the family of nations.

Film Scenes


The Absence – La Ausencia Documentary Film and Study Guide has been distributed by The United Nations to 80 countries for Holocaust Education.

It has been distributed by the Holocaust Documentation & Education Center – Museum in Florida by its President Rositta Kenisberg.

It is distributed by The Holocaust Teachers Institute/University of Miami through its director Dr. Miriam K. Kassenoff, to thousands of educators yearly.

The Association of Holocaust Organizations (AHO) shared the film online to their Members and Affiliates worldwide by its President, Dr. William L. Shulman.


  • Holocaust Survivors’ Stories
  • Complete Historical Context
  • Kristallnacht
  • Children in the Holocaust
  • Forced Labor
  • The Final Solution
  • Mass Graves
  • Death Trucks
  • Gas Vans
  • Death Camps
  • Chelmno, Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka
  • Concentration & Death Camps
  • Auschwitz-Birkenau
  • The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising
  • Liberation
  • The Present
  • Messages to Humankind
Study Guide Photo

Versions Available

35 min. | 60 min. | 100 min. | 150 min. | 240 min.

Technical Specs

35 mm | Color | Spanish with English Sub-Titles | Filmed in Venezuela | Version Edited in the USA